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We are excited to offer some partnership affiliate opportunities with BOAZ, let's setup a time to discuss options with you.

DEALERS: If you are interested in carrying BOAZ product containers in your store. Checkout the DEALER Perks.

DIGITAL AFFILIATES: Social Media Influencers are all the rage these days. Would you like the opportunity to help grow a small business like us? We just established in 2023 and we still have plenty of room to grow. We have established multiple ways for our customers to gain incentives in exchange for helping us promote BOAZ. If you have a social media following and promote our ammo you could earn a discount or a commission that accrues toward your purchase of products?

CHURCH SECURITY: Partner with us for your church security team. Church security is national issue. We want to help your church security team train to develop the skills to be effective in congregation defense. Our 115 gr ammo is ideal for your basic Defense Teams.

The required information needed to apply: First Name, Last Name, Company Name, Shipping Address, Email Address, Phone Number, Agree to Receive ACS/Emails and Store Terms.**Enter Your Blanket Sales and Use Tax Certificate of Resale Number and Location ID. Enter Occupation. Code, Lastly, indicate if FFL, FOID or Any Other is requirement applies to purchase ammo in your state.

ACTION ITEM: In addition to setting up your account, you will need to email a copy of your valid Tax Exemption that includes your Location ID to Please make mention if you prefer quotes on certain payment options like pricing for credit card orders vs a cash alternative payment options.

  • TAX Exemption Documentation + Location ID
  • Cash or Credit pricing
  • Products interested in or special requests

Upon receipt of your Tax Exemption, the owner will reach out to you to give you dealer pricing and see what products you are interested in. You will be notified when your account is setup for dealer ordering.

We reserve opportunity to request of 2-3 weeks notice for orders that exceed current stock or custom spec orders.

We look forward to partnering with you!



We love to give back to the community and we are often get asked about  Request Match Sponsorship. We just need some information about your upcoming Match.