New Account FAQ

Account Setup Errors

Some information is required for account setup, please make sure you have something entered for each of these required fields:

  • email
  • password (doublechecked)
  • checkbox agreement to store terms
  • name
  • address, city, state & zip
  • country (because we only sell in US Continental States)
  • DOB 21+ (Date only and will not accept 2024)
  • checkbox I am not a robot

Anything you leave blank will be highlighted in red and with an error of explanation below. 



If you are having trouble during checkout, we apologize for any inconvenience to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 423-342-2411. Typically, when an error message occurs some required information may be missing or if the Date of Birth shows 2024 as the year.

In some cases, during setup the address didn't completely save resulting in shipping quotes triggering an error. Please check your shipping addresses for any errors.

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